How to stay creative? - Part II

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We all love to travel, read books over infinite cups of coffee and music. The previous blog might have given you a sneak peek into what this series of blogs is about. Stay glued to your screens to know how the above enhances your creativity to a great extent.

Backpack (Travel and say 'Hi' to new discoveries)

Book a ticket and find a beautiful place to get lost.
Travel changes your brain. When you're in a bad mood it is recommended,"Switching off your brain." A great way to do that is to Travel. Go to the most remote corners of the planets. In an experiment, a group of people were observed, after walking for 1.5 hours in a forest, in all of them psychological illness and stress were significantly reduced. What would happen if you're surrounded by nature for several days? Your creative thinking ability would shoot by 150%.
It's when you travel; you find a piece of yourself and a whole new world. The scenic beauty, the people, the local markets and museums, customs and traditions might just give you an idea that paints your canvas, some long contemplated melody or maybe the next best-selling book!

So, all packed?

Turn the page on (Read as much as you can) 

Books are uniquely portable magic. Imagine having to think something from Sherlock or Hercules Poirot perspective or seeing the world like Julian Mantle sees it?
Mental fitness is equally important as physical fitness. We have to prioritize our mind workouts like we do our trips to the gym. Studies indicate, reading just 30 minutes a day, flexes those mind muscles. It makes you think, fantasize, use your imagination and like any exercise, the more you train the better you will get.

If you get booked you can probably never run out of ideas.  Next page now!

Let the music play (Groove to the music)

Music:  On, World: Off

Music has the power to stimulate the sluggish brain. Studies show that Baroque music synchronizes brain waves at about 60 beats per second, and this relaxed alpha state is the frequency associated with 'Creativity'.
'Upbeat music' helps you to get into a problem-solving frame of mind.
If stress gets in the way of creativity you can shake it off by listening to Pop or Rock music.
Is your playlist ready?

Can we now know about your travel plans, the book you which you read and the song which is currently on repeat.


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